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<br>NAND Gate








Rank: 3Rank: 3

 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-16 04:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<br>By Dennis Lewon, BACKPACKER Equipment Editor, August 1, 2002
<br>・        低于 $170
<br>・        根据厂商说明,每双鞋(男式 us号码9)重量低于 31/2 磅(注:约合1.589千克)
<br>・        全皮鞋面
<br>・        高帮设计
<br>・        防水透气内里
<br>・        有适合男士和女士的尺寸
<br>总体得分: 4.1
<br>一天,在由于穿着僵硬的登山靴攀登使他的小腿起泡之后,史蒂夫系紧了一双新的Crestas ($169),行进在蒙大拿州 Selway长满苦根琉维草的荒野。他相信这双有着精确倒极点的胶料、踵部无接缝、柔韧但有支撑力鞋舌的鞋将在接下来的12天里把他从不可避免的伤痛中拯救出来。其他的测试者也都觉得极为舒适,这是由于它有三种宽度的选择和预留给正常徒步导致膨胀的宽松的脚趾区。
<br>乔恩在拖曳着95磅(注:约合43.13千克)的负载走出科罗拉多大峡谷后,对Crestas的稳定性和支撑力极为推崇。这种支撑力来源于厚达2.5毫米的全皮鞋面,在遭到损坏后仍能保持原形,一个有软衬垫即使系紧鞋带也不会夹痛的踝部,一个稳定的鞋底。它是如此舒适以至于Kari说“如果是穿着Crestas全天徒步,比开3小时车回家感觉还要好”。防风雨性和附着摩擦力也是高得分。Kari说Gore-Tex内衬和缝有三角形布料的鞋舌头是如此有效就如同在脚上穿了个干燥袋子。她也喜欢Crestas的有侵略性的刚硬的鞋底,能够让她在the Whites的潮湿岩石攀爬和沿着悬崖峭壁缓慢移动。
<br>联系方式:L.L. Bean, (800) 809-7057; www.llbean.com.
<br>总体得分: 3.9
<br>吉娜总结了一下我们对于Torre GTX ($150)的第一印象:“感觉很舒适而且最终会变得更舒适”。损坏能够被迅速归结于其软牛皮鞋面,其软牛皮鞋面适应于各种脚型,还有很深的阿基里斯(注:即脚踵部)凹口能把对踝部的摩擦降到最小。它的软牛皮和刚硬的鞋底,拿安妮特的话来讲,“足够的支撑和不过分的宽松。感觉上更象是鞋子,而不是闷重的靴子”。
<br>在加利福尼亚的不为人知的海岸经过了一周负重达45磅(注:约合20.43千克)的徒步后,吉娜说,“The Torres在经过被雨水冲刷得很光滑的大石头时提供了可靠的附着摩擦力,在经过岩石绝壁和海滩时提供了非常棒的脚弓和踝部支撑。”这种支撑是基于舒适的踝部填充物和紧绷的暖和的系带。一个一半长的钢骨支撑足底增加了坚硬度,但是负重过多就要小心了。乔恩和我都觉得对于大的负重应该有更多的内底衬垫。
<br>我们主要的保留意见是the Torre的皮子有点薄。强健的橡胶鞋头在保护我们的脚趾方面完成得非常出色,但是迈克那双鞋的鞋面被一片锋利的石灰石碎片划了一道很严重的裂口。
<br>联系方式:Montrail, (800) 647-0224; www.montrail.com.
<br>总体得分: 3.7
<br>舒适的衬垫、厚的全皮鞋面、可靠的支撑为the Trail Triumph ($150)赢得了所有测试者全面的称赞。史蒂夫称他们为“有着非常棒的脚下衬垫和粘性鞋底,很耐脏的靴子。”
<br>The Trail Triumphs需要很长时间的磨合期(至少一个星期稳定的徒步行走),而且Mike还说:“一旦磨合好了,他们好像完美地按照你的脚型浇铸而且永远不会变型。”他们被证明对于瘦的脚是最好的,对于中等的踵部来说有点窄,有四种宽度可以选择。
<br>测试者对于鞋底的优点是有分歧的,其鞋底是一种叫做蜗牛(Snail) 橡胶的专利材料。Kari和我喜欢它在森林徒步时的弹性和在湿的岩石上的抓地性,但是在粗糙砂岩地形的几次徒步后,迈克宣称,“科罗拉多大峡谷将很快吃掉这个鞋底。”我们能从其硬的鞋面和有很好的衬垫的护踝得到完美的踝部支撑,在穿越圆石地区时不会扭到脚。不利的是:他是最重的一双鞋。
<br>我在the Whites踏过雪地而我的脚趾并没有觉得潮湿或者寒冷,但是在我横越溪流的时候我希望联结鞋舌的三角衬料伸出更高些。踝部的防水层比 Cresta Hikers, Synchro, 和Shasta低了一英寸多。我们对其大的鞋舌也有疑问,它总是移位然后有点往踝部钻。
<br>联系方式:Dunham Bootmakers, (800) 843-2668; www. dunhambootmakers.com.
<br>总体得分: 3.5
<br>乍一看,Syncro不对称的鞋楦头和鞋舌似乎是个错误。当我们系好了鞋带,发现这种设计带来了令人惊奇的支撑力和舒适,这种设计减少了脚趾和踝部的摩擦。正如乔恩所说的,“这双靴子按着我脚的自然曲线设计的方式简直令人难以置信。”虽然磨合对于我们这些对于Syncro适合的人来说是件轻而易举的事,这双依照解剖学设计的靴子仍然证明了我们都有非常不一样的解剖学上的组织结构。对于乔恩, Kari, 和我来说,Syncro是一双有着弯底适合长途也很便于阔步行走的徒步鞋,一个在磨合后绝不会变松的有支撑力的踝部,非常棒的足弓支撑,一个对于疼痛的胫骨是个福音的高的鞋舌。但是我不得不上升了半个号码以得到更好的舒适性,其他的测试者也有浪费了多余的空间的问题。吉娜说,“由于凸出的部分,我的脚不能完全填满鞋的中部,这样无法从那得到足够的支持。”(Garmont声称它在2002款减少了中部的体积。)
<br>联系方式:Garmont, (802) 658-8322; www.garmontusa. com.
<br>总体得分: 3.4
<br>测试者兴高采烈地讨论着Chameleon($140)的鞋底,它的鞋底上混和着大大小小的凸起物从鞋底扩展到边缘。这种结合的结果使得Kari得以攀登上新罕布什尔州的 Flume Slide Trail一段近乎垂直的地段。“这个鞋底能够非常稳定地牢牢抓住磨光的岩石路段和光滑的泥土表面”,她说。在加州三人一组的阿尔卑斯式远足中,我发现其支撑力比一般的要好,这应归功于结实的nubuk皮鞋面,很好的足弓支撑,和一个稳固的外部脚后跟。这种支撑在不费多大劲的磨合后会变得有点松,但是我们仍然认为足以承担中等强度的负重。其内底提供了杰出的衬垫,它不会很刚硬,而是以一个明显的纵向弯曲来支撑整天的阔步行走。
<br>联系方式:Merrell, (888) 637-7001; www.merrellboot. com.
<br>总体得分: 3.3
<br> “受诅咒的强硬的靴子”,史蒂夫说。我们其余的人也同意,给予这双Shasta($155)在此次测试中最高的支撑和耐久性得分。那么为什么它没有赢得一个高的总体的得分?其高的容量不适合我们女性的测试者,并且对于史蒂夫来说不够宽。迈克、乔恩和我穿着非常合适,无论如何,都满意其结实的结构。
<br>联系方式:Tecnica USA, (603) 298-8032; www.tecnicausa.com.
<br>6 All-Purpose Boots
<br>With their classic designs, rugged construction, and long-haul confort; these all-leather midweights will take you most places you want to go.
<br>By Dennis Lewon, BACKPACKER Equipment Editor, August 1, 2002
<br>Remember that cocktail-party question about the book you'd take to a deserted island? Recently, a friend asked me the backpacker's equivalent, wondering which boot I'd choose if I could have only one pair for all my hiking needs. I began rummaging my closet, considering everything from trail runners to crampon-compatible monsters. When the laces stopped flying, one pair remained―an all-leather, high-cut midweight with a waterproof/breathable lining.
<br>Not surprisingly, I'd picked the classic backpacking boot. But midweights have come a long way. Thanks to lighter materials and new construction methods, you can now expect more support and comfort for less weight. To test the latest crop, we picked six all-leather hikers with waterproof/breathable liners, each costing less than $170 (see "Criteria" below). Seven testers (see "Meet The Testers") put the boots through more than a year's worth of cumulative hiking, from Alaska's Denali National Park to New Hampshire's White Mountains. All of the test models performed soundly; read the evaluations closely to learn which pair best suits your preferences and fitting needs. The reviews follow in order of overall performance.
<br>・        Less than $170
<br>・        Lighter than 31/2 pounds per pair (men's size 9), according to the manufacturer
<br>・        All-leather uppers
<br>・        High-cut ankle
<br>・        Waterproof/breathable liner
<br>・        Available in men's and women's sizes
<br>Overall: 4.1
<br>Excellent fit, sturdy support, and classic styling earned this hiker kudos as an all-around great value.
<br> A day after blistering his shins while climbing in stiff mountaineering boots, Steve laced up a new pair of Crestas ($169) and marched off into Montana's Selway Bitterroot Wilderness. He credits the dead-on sizing, no-slip heel cup, and flexible-yet-supportive tongue with saving him from certain pain over the next 12 days. Other testers concurred about the excellent fit, a result of three width choices and a high-volume toebox that anticipates normal "trail swell."
<br>Jon gave the Crestas an enthusiastic thumbs-up for stability and support after hauling a 95-pound load out of the Grand Canyon. The support is due to the thick (2.5 mm) full-grain leather, which kept its shape after break-in, a padded ankle that cinches without pinching, and a stable footbed. The comfort was so good that Kari would "hike all day, then wear the Crestas on a 3-hour drive home." Weatherproofing and traction were also top-notch. Kari said the Gore-Tex liner and fully gusseted tongue were "as effective as wearing dry bags on my feet." She also liked the aggressive tread and rigid sole, which let her scramble up wet rocks and edge along steeps in the Whites.
<br>Our complaints were minor. Gina found the heel cup too big for her narrow heel, which caused some slipping. And we all wished there were a toe cap to prevent scuffing.
<br>Contact: L.L. Bean, (800) 809-7057; www.llbean.com.
<br>Overall: 3.9
<br>These slipperlike midweights feel light on your feet without sacrificing protection.
<br>Gina summed up our initial impression of the Torre GTX ($150): "Felt good out of the box and only got better." Break-in was speedy due to the soft nubuk uppers, which conformed to feet of varying shapes, and the deep Achilles notch, which minimized rubbing behind the ankle. The supple leather and rigid sole offered, in Annette's words, "a lot of support and no excess bulk. They feel like shoes, not clunky boots."
<br>After toting a 45-pound load for a week on California's Lost Coast, Gina said, "The Torres provided dependable traction on rain-slick boulders, and great arch and ankle support on the rocky cliffs and beaches." Support is bolstered by cushy ankle padding and quick, snug lacing. A half-length steel shank adds stiffness, but be cautious about overburdening these boots. Jon and I wanted more midsole cushion for big loads.
<br>A Gore-Tex liner kept two testers' feet dry during a week of driving rain on the Lost Coast, yet the relatively thin (2 mm) leather made them tops for hot-weather hiking. A slightly higher cut would keep out debris better.
<br>Our main reservation with the Torre was the thin leather. The sturdy rubber toe cap did an admirable job of protecting our toes, but the upper on Mike's boot suffered a bad gash from a sharp piece of limestone.
<br>Contact: Montrail, (800) 647-0224; www.montrail.com.
<br>Overall: 3.7
<br>This boot boasts ample padding and cushion, and a sole that's best suited to packed trails.
<br>Comfortable padding, thick full-grain leather, and dependable support earned the Trail Triumph ($150) all-around praise from testers. Steve called them "dirt-tough boots, with good underfoot cushion and a sticky sole."
<br>The Trail Triumphs required a longer break-in period (at least a week of steady hiking), but as Mike said, "Once broken-in, they molded perfectly to my feet and never lost their shape." They proved best for low-volume feet and narrow to medium heels, and are available in four widths.
<br>Testers were mixed on the merits of the sole, which is made from a proprietary material called Snail Rubber. Kari and I both liked its springiness on forest trails and grip on wet rocks, but after a few trips on abrasive sandstone, Mike pronounced, "The Grand Canyon will eat this sole soon." We got excellent ankle support from the stiff uppers and well-padded collar, and good torsional stiffness for traversing boulder fields. Downside: This was the heaviest boot by 8 ounces.
<br>I tramped through snow in the Whites without my toes getting wet or cold, but when crossing streams, I wished the tongue gussets extended higher. Waterproofness at the ankle stops more than an inch lower than the Cresta Hikers, Synchro, and Shasta. We also questioned the bulky tongue, which kept shifting and digging into some of our ankles.
<br>Contact: Dunham Bootmakers, (800) 843-2668; www. dunhambootmakers.com.
<br>Overall: 3.5
<br>If the unique shape of this boot fits your foot, you'll love its ankle-friendly support and superior striding.
<br>At first glance, the asymmetrical last and tongue of the Syncro ($159) looked like a mistake. Then we laced 'em up and discovered the wonderful support and comfort of this design, which reduces toe and ankle bruising. As Jon said, "The way the boot followed the natural curves of my foot was incredible." While break-in was a breeze for those of us who it fit, the "anatomically designed" Syncro proved we all have very different anatomies. For Jon, Kari, and me, the Syncro was an easy-striding hiker with a rocker well suited to long days, a supportive ankle that never loosened after break-in, great arch support, and a high tongue that was a blessing on sore shins. But I had to go up a half size to get a good fit, and other testers had problems with excess volume. Said Gina, "I couldn't stop the leather at the midfoot from bulging, so I didn't get enough support there." (Garmont says it's decreased the midfoot volume for the 2002 model.)
<br>The Syncro's high ankle, gusseted tongue, and Gore-Tex liner kept water and debris at bay. About the Vibram sole, Steve said, "Grippy rubber and rounded lugs made these boots grab hard and clear easy." Jon also noted that the lugs didn't wear down in the Grand Canyon. The nubuk upper held up well, except around the small toe rand, which started to separate on one test pair. A full-coverage toe cap would help.
<br>Contact: Garmont, (802) 658-8322; www.garmontusa. com.
<br>Overall: 3.4
<br>These athletic-style hybrids are perfect for hikers who want big-boot support and scrambling-shoe agility.
<br>Testers raved about the Chameleon's ($140) sole, which blends large and small nubs that extend up the rounded sides of the tread to the rand. The combination enabled Kari to scramble up a near-vertical section of New Hampshire's Flume Slide Trail. "The soles gripped polished rock slabs and slippery dirt surfaces equally well," she said.
<br>On a hike in California's Trinity Alps, I found the support better than average, due to stout nubuk uppers, good arch support, and a stabilizing external heel counter. The support loosened a bit after an easy break-in, but we still found it adequate for moderate loads. The midsole offers exceptional cushion, and it's less rigid with a pronounced rocker for all-day striding.
<br>Fit problems kept the Chameleon from scoring higher overall. The narrow toebox left Steve, Annette, and me feeling squeezed. Annette's low-volume feet also swam a bit in the large heel cups. The only durability question was the soft, grippy tread; Jon's pair showed wear from encounters with Grand Canyon sandstone. Weatherproofing was adequate, but three of us experienced leaking through the mesh around the tongue.
<br>Contact: Merrell, (888) 637-7001; www.merrellboot. com.
<br>Overall: 3.3
<br>This boot is ideal for guys who want a brawny midweight that can take whatever the trail throws at you.
<br>"Friggin' tough boot," said Steve. The rest of us agreed, giving the Shasta ($155) the highest support and durability scores in the test. So why didn't it earn a higher overall score? The high-volume fit didn't work for our female testers, and wasn't wide enough for EE-width Steve. Mike, Jon, and I got a good fit, however, and enjoyed the burly construction.
<br>When I shouldered a heavy pack for an off-trail hike in Arizona's Sonoran Desert, where rock- and cactus-studded terrain is a challenge, the Shastas kept my ankles stable and protected my feet. The stability comes from stiff, full-grain uppers, a high and snug ankle collar, and a no-slip heel cup. The thick leather and rubber toe cap shrug off abuse, and the sole is rigid yet cushioned enough for all-day comfort. The aggressive Vibram tread delivered good traction, but Kari reported they "had to be cleaned out" more than average.
<br>Break-in time was longer than most; the stiff ankle took about a week to soften up. The shape of the boot is also a little boxy, so they didn't mold to our feet as well as some. After a full day of wet hiking in Arizona's San Francisco Peaks, Mike reported "no leaking and no loss of shape." A fully gusseted tongue helps keep out high water, and I found that the Tecni-Dry waterproof/ breathable liner allowed adequate ventilation, even during an impromptu 5-mile run (don't ask why) in 75°F desert weather.
<br>Contact: Tecnica USA, (603) 298-8032; www.tecnicausa.com.
<br>NAND Gate< ID="edit"><FONT class="small"><EM>Edited by yufeimen on 2003/08/15 17:06.</EM></FONT></P>








Rank: 3Rank: 3

 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-16 05:34:26 | 显示全部楼层


<br>Wet Foot Test
<br>An easy way to check the shape of your feet.
<br>Wondering what shape feet you have? Simply dunk them in water, then stand on a surface that'll show an imprint-in this case, a brown paper bag. Your imprint should match one of the three common foot types (yellow denotes typical areas of impact):
<br>Normal feet: normal-size arch; imprint is flared, with forefoot and heel connected by a wide band on the outside. A normal foot lands on the outside of the heel, then rolls inward (pronates) slightly to absorb shock.
<br>Flat feet: low arch; leaves an imprint that looks like the whole sole of the foot. A flat foot strikes on the outside of the heel and rolls inward excessively; over time this can lead to injury.
<br>High-arched feet: imprint has a very narrow band connecting forefoot and heel. This type of foot usually doesn't pronate enough and isn't good at absorbing shock.<br><br>yufeimen就是与非门
<br>NAND Gate
匿名  发表于 2003-8-16 10:28:58

sehr gut,已收藏,辛苦了!

<br>                       -by海子[/blue]








Rank: 4

发表于 2003-8-16 10:58:32 | 显示全部楼层










Rank: 1

发表于 2003-8-19 02:59:43 | 显示全部楼层










Rank: 1

发表于 2003-8-20 03:35:55 | 显示全部楼层


六双通用的靴子(来自BACKPACKER的测评) yufeimen 2003-08-16
说明 yufeimen 2003-08-28
一个检查你脚型的很容易的方法(来自BACKPACKER) yufeimen 2003-08-16
不错,还有系列文字么?做个专集吧~~~ shine 2003-08-16
没看懂,以上面这个脚印为例是哪种类型呢? 重耳 2003-08-19
sehr gut,已收藏,辛苦了! 匿名 2003-08-16
谢谢,收藏了 晴雪 2003-08-20
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