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米女野兽的个人空间 https://www.lvye.org/?109222 [收藏] [复制] [RSS]



已有 153 次阅读2013-9-21 13:32 |个人分类:private

The guy who discovered milk...what was he doing with that cow? 第一个发现牛奶的哥们儿,他当时在跟奶牛做什么? . Going to McDonalds for a salad is like going to a prostitute for a hug 去麦当劳只要一份沙拉,就像找*只要一个拥抱。 . Whenever you feel worthless, remember you were once the quickest sperm 每当您感觉自己一无是处的时候,想想您曾经是跑的最快的精子。 . Nobody Ever Uses The White Crayon :’( 没人会用白色的蜡笔 . In The Summer I Wish It Was Winter. In The Winter I wish It Was Summer 夏天时希望现在是冬天,冬天时希望现在是夏天 . I wasn’t that drunk. Dude you asked your girlfriend if she was single 我没你醉得厉害,哥们儿,你问了你女朋友是否是单身。 . walking into a room and totally forgetting why you went into there. 走进一个房间,但完全忘记了您为什么要进来 . “BECAUSE IM THE PARENT” really isnt a logical explanation for ANYTHING “因为我是你家长”真不是对任何事情的符合逻辑的解释。 . Smiling at Old People so they don’t think you’re a Teenage Vandal 向老人微笑,他们就不会拿你当小屁孩儿。 . Alcohol Improves my Foreign Language! 酒精让我的外语进步! . I get off the computer because I’m bored. Five minutes later, I’m back on. 我离开了电脑前,因为我太无聊了。五分钟以后,我又回来了。 . Always be yourself. Unless you can be a penguin, always be a penguin 永远做你自己,除非你能变成一只企鹅,那就永远做一只企鹅。 . I Don’t Really Have to go to the Bathroom I Just Want to Get Out of Class 我不是真想去厕所,我就是想离开教室。 . DEAR CUPID, WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT YOUR AIM. 亲爱的朱庇特,我们需要谈谈你的准星儿。 . using “you only live once” to make your decision 用“生命只有一次”这句话来做出你的决定 . It wasn’t awkward til u said ” This is awkward.” Now its awkard. 在您说出“真尴尬”之前,它并不尴尬。但现在它尴尬了。 . Let's eat grandma or Let's eat, grandma - Punctuation saves lives . I believe the word ‘studying’ was derived from the words ‘students dying’ . Honestly, I write “lol” and I’m not Even Laughing, . If girls have period pains, guys should be kicked in the balls once a month. :-D 8-) :lol:






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