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Bethlehem #3

已有 72 次阅读2011-12-24 11:10 |个人分类:清水

上帝造物第六天 On the sixth day. 上帝以自身形象造就了人 God created man in his own image. 。 现在就得靠我们自己去辨别 And now it's up to us to figure it all out. 正确...错误... Right...Wrong... 善良...邪恶... Good...Evil... 。 我们都有能力 In each of us is the capacity. 去判断是什么驱使我们的行为 To decide what drives our actions. 那么什么使得有些人选择无私奉献 So what is it, then, that makes some choose selflessness. 无私的投身于更伟大的事情中去 The need to devote themselves to something greater. 而其他人却只知一己私利 While others know only self-interest? 只活在自己的世界并将自己和外界分离 Isolating themselves in a world of their own making? 有人只寻求爱 不求回报 Some seek only love even if unrequited. 而有人被恐惧与背叛所驱使 While others are driven by fear and betrayal. 。 还有人将他们的选择 There are those who see their choices. 视作上帝不存在的证明 As dark proof of god's absence. 而有人迈向高贵命运之路 While others follow a path of noble destiny. 到最后 善良 邪恶 对或错... But in the end. good. evil. right. or wrong... 我们的选择从未是我们真正所需 What we choose is never what we really need. 这便是宇宙的终极的笑话 For that is the ultimate cosmic joke. 是上帝所留下的真正礼物 The real gift god has left behind. 。 这个世上 有善 也有恶 有对 也有错 有英雄 也有恶棍 There is good. and there is evil. right and wrong. heroes and villains... 如果我们拥有足够的智慧 And if we're blessed with wisdom. 就能发现 正面与负面的交界处 Then there are glimpses between the cracks of each. 透出丝丝的希望之光 Where light streams though... 。 我们默默地等待这些时机 We wait in silence for these times. 使得我们被理解 When sense can be made... 使得我们由小角色一跃成为众人焦点 When meaningless existence comes into focus. 使得我们的目的得以实现 And our purpose presents itself. 。 如果我们能诚实以对 And if we have the strength to be honest. 就能发现 凝视着自己的 Then what we find there staring back at us. 正是承受着生活 Is our own reflection... 。 两种不同极端的内心自我 Bearing witness to the duality of life... 所以我们每个人 That each one of us. 都可以成为黑暗的人 光明的人 善人 恶人 各种人 Is capable of both the dark. and the light. of good and evil. of either...of all. 。 而在茫茫人生之旅中 终点 And destiny, while marching ever in our direction. 也可以由我们的选择来改变 Can be rerouted by the choices we make... 通过维持我们付出的爱 By the love we hold onto. 以及 遵守我们给出的承诺 And the promises we keep. :-)






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