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Farewell letter

已有 208 次阅读2008-6-30 23:04 |个人分类:private

今天是我在公司最后一天工作日,一早刚到公司就开始忙,中午跟老板review budget,一直弄到下午。有没有听说过马上就要离职的人员还在忙于做预算,不可思议,而且弄不完还要加班。本来打算今天好好写一封煽情的farewell letter,配英文诗,发给共事N年的同事们,以表临别之意。无奈,已经到了下班时间(17:05)才有空起笔,草草写了几句勿勿发出,本应该给大家留一个反馈的时间,这是基本的礼貌。17:30收到了11个回信,都是怀念和祝福的话,后面应该还会有回信,只是我没机会看到了。 Anyway,附上我的farewell letter留作纪念。 Dear all, As some of you may already know, I am resigning my position here after going near to eight years working experience in BI. Today is my last working day. I am leaving with a mixture of excitement and regret because I have greatly enjoyed working with all of you. You have been not just colleagues but my friends as well. Indeed, the past eight years have been the most remarkable and rewarding time in my working career. The privilege to work with you is a gift that I will always treasure and one which I never took lightly. And your support in believing me and what we could accomplish together will never be forgotten. Thank you all for the kindness, support, guidance, love, encouragement you have provided me in the past. Thank you all for enriching my life and for letting me be a part of this wonderful family. Please keep in touch. I can be reached at my personal email address xuli_0126@hotmail.com or via my mobile phone 13910530553 Thanks again for everything! Yours truly, Chris






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回复 绿野小溪 2008-7-1 18:14
祝贺你崭新崭新的开始 :-D


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