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Bells of Freedom 献给7.23后的人们

已有 153 次阅读2011-7-27 22:05 |个人分类:在路上

  I have walked all alone   独自一人漫步   On these streets I call home   走在这些我称为家的街区   Streets of hope Streets of fear   希望的街道 恐惧的街道   Through the sidewalk cracks time disappears   时间透过人行道上的裂缝悄悄流逝   I was lost, on my knees   我已输掉,双膝跪下   On the eve of defeat   在那失败的前夜   As I choked back the tears   当我拼命忍住泪水   There's a silent scream no one could hear   只有那没人能听到的无声呐喊   So far away from everything you know is true   离那些你知道是真理的东西如此遥远   Something inside that makes you do what you got to do   那深埋内心的某些东西让你去做你应该做的事情   Ring the bells Ring them loud   敲响那钟声 大声敲响他们   Let them ring here and now   让他们立即鸣响    Just reach out and ring the Bells of Freedom   就敲响那自由之钟让它的声音得以延伸   When your world's crashing down   当你的世界正在崩溃   Like you're lost every round   就像你在每个回合都输掉了比赛   Stand your ground   坚守你的信念   And ring the Bells of Freedom   敲响那自由之钟         Ring the bells Ring them loud   敲响那钟声 大声敲响他们   Let them ring here and now   让他们立即鸣响   Just reach out and ring the Bells of Freedom   就敲响那自由之钟让它的声音得以延伸   Yeah!   是的!   When your world's crashing down   当你的世界正在崩溃   Like you're lost every round   就像你在每个回合都输掉了比赛   Stand your ground   坚守你的信念   And ring the Bells of Freedom   敲响那自由之钟      Ring the bells Ring them loud   敲响那钟声 大声敲响他们   Let them ring here and now   让他们立即鸣响   Just reach out and ring the Bells of Freedom   就敲响那自由之钟让它的声音得以延伸 ------无力的分割线----------- 让软弱的我们 从bon jovi的歌中获得力量吧






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回复 财运 2011-7-28 13:20
。。。。。。。。 :-(


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