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已有 66 次阅读2006-12-27 10:29 |个人分类:驴一把――执迷不悟者

everything is changed. Once, people went to salon to see film. After that, they talk about the picture. when the cinema went into popular, people go there, they know the name of the great famous stars. And when TV bacome one of the indispensable electrical thing. People sit at home and see their favorate program. what is going to happen to the cenima? talk about garden I really don't like this city. there is not enough stores, not enough movements, not enough to do. But, i like most of the people, i need some peace and quiet sometimes, at least a small garden with peach and quiet. i could stay outside for 3-4 hours here in the summer. During the winter, i'd like to come out for an hour or two in the weekend if the weather is good. It a good way to save my typewriter, none save my book and drink. I find that i spend as the same time outside as i did when i was staying in the big city. Funny, isn't it! Mum, do u hear the phone is ringing? can i answer ring? Yeah, but please answer correctly. Hello, this is Haslam. Er, is that 1234556? Yes, do you want to speak with my mother? i'd like to speak with Mrs Henderson. Hello, this is 888, who is calling? Good evening. This is Brian Murphy, your new neighbour. Hi, welcome to come to our place. So, what can we do for you? I'm sorry to bother you. I'd like to ask some questions. Oh, i am never too busy to help my neighbour, what is your problem. i wan't to know what is despensible newagents? …… Oh, dear, you ask so many questions. i have an idea. would you like to come to tea tommorrow afternoon? Then, i could meet you and answer all your questions. That's really good. So when shall i go? Anytime after 3pm. i am looking forward to you. bye! Dear Oak, this is Many. I did receive my letter Thank you for your letter. in your letter, you said you call us 5 times in two days, but no answer. i am so sorry about this. we have had problem with our phone.(we have had proble with our email.) We will write back soon with the file you need.






发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

回复 夜横琴 2006-12-27 11:58
想看,但看不懂。 :-D
回复 root 2006-12-27 12:17
oh, 天哪, 有中文版吗?
回复 阿曼 2006-12-27 16:57


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