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chance is for ready one!
2006-9-21 11:19
This morning, I received a calling from my little sister. She told me that she is more likely to be one of the then students recommended for admission. That a good news! She told me all the process of this event, including why she gave up the only chance to be recommended to enter another better uni ...
个人分类: private|37 次阅读|2 个评论
2006-9-20 09:29
几个月前说:“人活得太明白,没意思!”似乎自己就是那个明白人儿。现在,竟不敢如此张狂,只因活得越来越不明白,很多事情……借此“难得糊涂”之际,胡乱来几句,消遣消遣! 既非垂垂老矣,又未奔波半生,实在无资格品论人生。但还是在夜深人静时,闹中取静处去call了一下留有记忆以来的二十余载。 Childhoo ...
个人分类: private|30 次阅读|3 个评论
It's for you ,my road and every wise pig!
2006-9-12 17:40
lover is road, friend is pig, only one road during your life, many pigs jog in this road ! never leave road when rich, never sell pig when poor, beware of missing road when happyness approach, care about clever pig when ease cover daily life. its for you ,my road and every wi ...
个人分类: private|32 次阅读|2 个评论
you are a passer-by!
2006-9-11 18:06
hi guy, stop ! try to count out how many persons apeared and dissapeared! why not? we call all of them passers-by. no matter how long or how short they exited in your life. the deep or light trails of memory must be left in your head and work on you. a sad voice: he is a passe ...
个人分类: private|29 次阅读|2 个评论
RE the boring question: what is dream?
2006-9-8 13:58
in your heart, indeed, you can give up everything at any time; Bravely, go to somewhere with poor belongings; all for the ideal scenery ! speak out joking word: I am not tramp! who will believe you? God!
个人分类: private|18 次阅读|0 个评论
life, i love you!
2006-9-7 17:15
bad weather refuse to worry me, good weather bring me a better mood. everyday, the sun shines! that is me, that is my life. cherish happy days. foget the boring. come on! i love you! besides that: today, I have a happy visit to my guest. everything will be ok!
个人分类: private|29 次阅读|2 个评论
come back!
2006-9-4 16:51
it is a long time. :) i come back. no vacation! but feel happy! i love my new job! that's nice! a dream , a beautiful dream , will be a real dream!
个人分类: private|23 次阅读|1 个评论
2006-6-27 10:47
不要送伞来 妈妈 我喜欢在小雨中 慢悠悠地走回家 我喜欢细细的雨丝 对我说的悄悄话 不要送伞来 妈妈 我喜欢头上顶着 外衣裹住的书包 变成大雨里机灵的小鹿 在五彩的伞群下奔跑 或者一闪身 躲进那块巧克力广告 妈妈 我知道你的爱 但我不喜欢你的小花伞 笼罩着我的自在 雨点不会把我淋坏 我想街边的小 ...
个人分类: private|17 次阅读|1 个评论
2006-6-22 11:44
1、喜欢一个人到什么程度算是爱?――不懂 2、今年的情人节你是怎么样过的?――值班 3、你相信网络里有真实的感情吗?――无 4、倘若时光可以倒流,你希望你现在可以回到几岁?――玩泥巴的时候 5、如果以生命做代价,你最想得到什么?――俺怕死的 6、请用一句话说明你是怎样的一个人?―― 不喜欢约束的人 7、你 ...
个人分类: private|18 次阅读|1 个评论
2006-6-22 11:40
1 最近在看的电视―新闻早八点 2 最近在做的事情―找工作,找房子 3 最近在听的音乐―奔跑 4 最近在吃的东西―酸奶 5 最近在看的报刊--无 6 最近关心的话题―旅游 7 最近常去的地方―办公室 8 最近常想的异性―弟弟 9 最近常想做的事―出去玩玩,放松一下 10 最近的身体状况―很好,比体育老师都好 11 最近的理财 ...
个人分类: private|20 次阅读|1 个评论