
标题: 现代高山滑雪竞技技术——by Greg Gurshman [打印本页]

作者: 炸弹猫    时间: 2011-8-30 18:01
标题: 现代高山滑雪竞技技术——by Greg Gurshman
我原本对竞速技术没有什么兴趣,不过在网上看到这篇图文并茂的文章还是忍不住来翻译一下。因为在这个领域懂得不多,翻译难免有误,望高手指点。原文中有几个专业词汇弄得不是很明白,比如square relationship,edge set等等,暂时就按照我认为的意思去翻了,如有谬误,请达人指出。


Greg spent over 18 years of his life coaching skiing. He coached racers all over the world, including Austria, US and Canada. His coaching experience covers it all, from junior racers, to working with the national teams, side by side with some of the best coaches in Europe and North America. He trained many outstanding racers who won medals at World Cup and World Championships. Perhaps more importantly, he also coached athletes who were perceived by others as the ones with no real potential in the sport, and at times was able to get them to produce some outstanding results. Greg wrote many articles in professional publications and most of the content in the COACHING section. He currently works on a book "Alpine Skiing Through the Eyes of a Coach".


Modern alpine ski racing technique has been a subject of many misinterpretations and controversies. I have decided to clarify this matter by carefully studying the technique of ski racers who are currently the best in the world. Although Austrians come to mind first, there are a number of racers from other countries who could be considered among the leaders in developing and using the modern GS and Slalom techniques.
In other words, there isn't just an "Austrian technique" that should be duplicated and used by the rest of the world, instead -- there is
International Modern Technique. All of the top GS and Slalom racers have similar trends in their skiing. These general trends of modern technique go far beyond racer's body type and his individual skiing style. They could be used uniformly by all racers from developing junior racers to members of the national teams. The efficiency in the following techniques and biomechanics are reflected through the entire group of top World Cup racers.


Common Trends of Modern Technique
Parallel Skis
Parallel Legs and Shins
Loaded Inside Ski
Level Ski Tips
Crossover and Crossunder Work in Concert
Early Edge Engagement
Pressure in the Fall-Line



Parallel Skis  两板平行

Turns on parallel skis are used in both Slalom and GS. There is no noticeable convergence or divergence of the skis at any stage of the turn throughout the entire run in the racecourse or while free skiing. It is not easily achieved on a consistent basis. During any type of a turn legs move in the opposite directions -- outside one turns inward while the inside leg turns outward. Therefore keeping the skis parallel is a technical skill that requires mastering. Skis are kept parallel even in the turns with the pivoted entry.


Although Modern Technique is geared towards clean arc to arc skiing the turns with some pivoting in the initial stage are still needed on the steep turny sections of the course. All of the top racers are very good not only at carving but at pivoting with parallel skis as well.
There is an obvious speed advantage of parallel skis. It allows applying more pressure on the inside ski in the second part of the turn, which eliminates excessive locking of the edge of the outside ski. Now both skis are loaded and involved in carving smooth, faster arcs. If the skis were in scissored (diverging) position, loading the inside ski would result in either sliding of the outside ski or simply falling to the inside of the turn. In other words, diverging inside ski would not effectively contribute to carving.



Parallel Legs and Shins 两腿(小腿)平行

The edge angle is created primarily by inclination with extended outside leg. There is almost no knee angulation used in GS and it is kept to a minimum in Slalom. Straighter (more extended) outside leg creates a much stronger, biomechanically sound position that helps to withstand huge forces produced in modern turns. This position allows the skeleton, rather than the muscles and joints, to take the load, which greatly reduces the chances of injuries to a knee joint. The top group of athletes has on average much less injuries then the racers at lower level, mostly due to more biomechanically sound technique.


Inclination with parallel legs allows for the Center of Mass to travel by much shorter, more direct path through the gates. Combination of parallel legs/shins and parallel skis allows for both skis to carve. All of that result in significant time gains.



Loaded Inside Ski 内侧板承重

The top racers have on average 80:20 ratio of outside to inside ski pressure in Slalom and 70:30 in GS. This ratio is constantly changing throughout the turn. Normally the turn is started above the fall line with 90% of pressure on the outside ski. Upon entering the fall line inside ski is starting to carry more load while it is not only assisting in maintaining lateral balance but is actively contributing to carving. It is normal to see a ratio of 60:40 in the second part of a turn. It could even be 50:50 throughout the most of a turn, but only on the flat less turny sections of a course. Loading of inside ski works and produces speed advantage only if skis are kept parallel throughout the entire turn.



Level Ski Tips 板头平齐

Although there is a significant lateral split between the skis in Slalom and GS the split in sagittal (fore and aft) plane has been reduced. Having ski tips almost level, especially in the first half of a turn, assists in keeping them parallel and carving early. Sagittal split produces unnecessary counter-rotation and could also cause premature loading of the inside ski. It could alter lateral balance and affect carving of both skis. Keeping minimal sagittal split maintains square relationship between upper and lower body through the first of a turn. This is the most natural and biomechanically strong position similar to the downhill tuck, the most efficient position in skiing.

虽然在大小回转中两板都有明显的侧向分离,但是两板的前后差距是被缩小的。让两板的立刃幅度相当,尤其是在入弯阶段,有利于保证两板的平行和更早地开始走刃。两板前后错开造成不必要的上下身反旋,同时也造成内侧板过早承重。这会改变侧向平衡并影响两板的走刃。保持两板前后差距最小化,使得在入弯的时候上下身保持square relationship(直角关系?稳定关系?不会翻译。。)这是最自然也是生物力学上最有力的姿势,就像低姿速降的姿势一样,低姿速降姿势时滑雪中最有效的姿势。



Crossover and Crossunder Work in Concert 上方穿越和下方穿越相统一

Both types of cross movements are used in Modern skiing. Crossover (CM of mass crosses over the skis) is prevalent in complete GS turns on steep parts of the course. Crossunder (skis cross under the CM) comes into play in slightly more shallow GS turns on the flatter sections. Crossunder is extensively used in modern Slalom. It is usually combined with down-unweigthing. Regardless of type of cross movement the modern GS and SL turns use the entire ski. The turn is usually finished with the pressure on the tail and started with some pressure on the front of the ski. Both types of cross movements not only place the skis on the other side of the body for the next turn but also assist in recentering - shifting the pressure from the tails to the front of the skis. In reality, crossover and crossunder work in concert, providing for simultaneous lateral and forward movement of CM. Combination of skis carving tip-to-tail and quick efficient cross-over and cross-under movements into the new turn produce an early edge set.




Down-Unweigthing 低姿释重

Down-unweigthing is used in SL and GS as the way of unloading the skis to allow them to cross-under the body for the new turn. It creates a so-called "virtual bump" between the turns. Skier retracts his legs just as if he was going over the bump in the transition phase and extends them into the turn as it was the galley in between the bumps. Combination of down-unweigthing and cross-under movement works well in shallow turns on moderate terrain. It provides for an early edge set and carving with both skis which makes for much faster skiing through the moderately flat sections of the course.



Early Edge Engagement 提早用刃

Modern GS and Slalom turns are not perfectly round. Instead, their shape resembles a long comma. Most of the direction change is done above the fall-line. Therefore carving should start above the fall line as well.
That allows racers to accelerate out of the fall-line having about 70% of a turn completed before the gate.
In order for that to happen, ski needs to be tipped on its edge very early in the turn. Well timed cross movement in combination with extension and inclination positions the body inside the turn before the pressure is really built on the outside ski. Occasionally, it could result in initiation of the turn on the inside ski, which is a technical error, often mistakenly considered to be a part of Modern Technique. There is a fine line between an early edge set and leaning in on top of the turn. Top racers can sense it most of the time.



Pressure in the Fall-Line 途经滚落线时的压力

In order to maintain speed and even accelerate out of the turn skis need to be loaded above and into the fall-line. It has more impact in GS but produces time gains in Slalom as well. Top racers release the pressure coming out of the fall-line. It is very important as forces (gravity and centrifugal) match upon exiting the fall-line, creating stronger reaction force from the snow, resulting in deceleration. Combination of a cross movement, early edge set and pressure in the fall-line with early release are used to produce acceleration in Slalom and GS turns.


While analyzing the ski technique it is important to separate the elements of individual style or some technical inefficiency from the trends of Modern Technique. Studying ski technique of the top racers produces very objective results as the fastest racers exhibit the best technique, which is not affected by style or need to create a certain impression. If and when a particular technique produces fast times it is adopted and used by the others. There are a number of technical progressions and drills the top racers use in their training in order to become more efficient. The eight characteristics of Modern Technique listed above are tightly intertwined with each other. Most of them could only be effectively used if the other ones are present in skier's technical arsenal. Only the combination of all eight performed in the right sequence creates this powerful yet graceful Modern Ski Technique.


作者: Anakin_biti    时间: 2011-8-30 20:10
标题: 学习了,翻译的不错!square relationship应该说得是上身和下身方向一致没有反旋,内侧板尖在外侧板尖前面

edge set可以翻译成立刃 [modify]1314706234,Anakin_biti[/modify]
作者: 炸弹猫    时间: 2011-8-30 20:25
标题: 原来是这样,那么edge set=edge engagement么?

作者: Anakin_biti    时间: 2011-8-30 20:43
标题: 我觉着edge set应该是指已经立好的刃,engagement是板刃刚刚开始介入,就是立刃的初始阶段

作者: 炸弹猫    时间: 2011-8-30 20:52
标题: 是不是可以理解为engage是立刃的动作,而edge set是立刃并且已经进入走刃状态?
因为好像在谈到搓雪滑的时候也有engage edge出现。

另外,lock edge是不是和edge set差不多的意思?
作者: Anakin_biti    时间: 2011-8-30 22:36
标题: 应该是吧,lock edge应该是锁住/保持住/卡住板刃的意思

作者: 老工人    时间: 2011-8-31 10:26
标题: 好文好翻,谢谢!
作者: 炸弹猫    时间: 2011-9-1 22:51
标题: 查了一下edge set的解释,好像跟咱们理解的不太一样。。。
Tilting the skis quickly onto their uphill edges whilst across the fall-line, to produce a sudden braking action. Often used to create a platform from which the skier can spring into the next turn.

按这个解释,edge set应该是在一个弯结束的时候用力蹬雪的那一下,随后的动作就是借着这个反弹力换刃进入下一个弯。

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