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发表于 2003-12-1 04:14:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

<br>NAND Gate< ID="edit"><FONT class="small"><EM>Edited by jjyfoot on 2003/11/30 16:53.</EM></FONT></P>








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 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-1 04:17:16 | 只看该作者

About The Foot

<br>Foot Anatomy
<br>NAND Gate








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 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-1 04:19:18 | 只看该作者


<br>姆囊炎(大趾内侧的肿炎) | 小趾囊肿
<br>足部关节炎 | 跖骨痛
<br>槌状趾 | 糖尿病带来的足部影响
<br>•         绷紧或疼痛的跟腱
<br>•         位于足底或者踵部、足弓周围,或者来自拇趾球后面的疼痛。疼痛也可能因为震动传到腿部。
<br>•         在睡眠或者长期坐着之后足部僵硬或疼痛
<br>•         过分内旋(向后转动内旋后的状态,尤指平足的状态)
<br>•         徒步里程突然增加
<br>•         重量增加
<br>•         拉紧的跟腱
<br>•         不适宜的鞋类或者,例如,从高跟鞋到扁平的徒步鞋
<br>•         踵部在跟骨底部凸起
<br>•         断裂、撕破、受刺激而不适的脚底筋膜
<br>•         鞋子里插入或定制有支撑的弓形结构以矫正
<br>•         选择与你在做的活动类型相适合的鞋子
<br>•         一个坚硬的靴子中部区和一个有支撑的踵部凹窝或者踵部衬垫
<br>•         减震的鞋底夹层(中底)和内底
<br>•         避免穿磨损的鞋子
<br>•         肿胀疼痛的脚趾
<br>•         关节疼
<br>•         弯曲的时候疼
<br>•         受到刺激而不适,一碰就痛的皮肤
<br>•         宽阔的脚趾区
<br>•         充分的足弓支撑
<br>•         增加鞋子的容积
<br>•         踵部和内底有良好的衬垫
<br>•         关节痛、充血、肿胀、发炎
<br>•         坚硬的足弓、刚性的前脚和稳固的踵部薄垫片
<br>•         有弯曲龙骨(Rocker)的鞋底设计以减轻压力和疼痛
<br>•         高、宽的脚趾区
<br> 你足底的伤是否会持续过长的时间?你是否常穿礼鞋或者其它过分限制的鞋,例如高跟鞋?
<br>•         拇趾球疼痛
<br>•         在足底坚硬变厚的死皮(老茧)
<br>•         鞋子是否完全合适,特别是踵部到拇趾球的长度
<br>•         宽阔、不狭窄的脚趾区
<br>•         衬垫矫正和减震
<br>•         脚趾或者足部疼痛
<br>•         在脚趾中间关节顶部或者在脚趾末端的鸡眼
<br>•         宽阔、无缝合线的脚趾区
<br>•         柔软的鞋面材料能够被伸展变宽,并且减少可能发生的摩擦。
<br>•         缺乏知觉
<br>•         感染
<br>•         皮下溃疡
<br>•         柔软、无缝合线的鞋面
<br>•         高、宽的脚趾区
<br>•         有弯曲龙骨(Rocker)的鞋底以限制过多的压迫
<br>•         宽阔的鞋子以适应糖尿病患者的矫正术
<br>•         稳固的踵部支撑
<br>7 out of 10 hikers wear poorly fitted boots and don't even know it. That adds up to a lot of unnecessary blisters and sore  
<br>feet--for some, even sore knees and ankles. The solution is simple. Learn proper footwear fitting and you'll kiss sore feet  
<br>goodbye. Start here!
<br>Common Foot Ailments
<br>Do your feet hurt? Consult our list of the most common foot ailments.
<br>lantar Fasciitis
<br>Bunions | Bunionettes
<br>Arthritis | Metatarsalgia
<br>Hammertoes | Diabetes
<br>lantar Fasciitis
<br>odiatrists report plantar fasciitis and other heel pains send more people to foot specialists than just about any other  
<br>complaint, and its one of the most tenacious, frustrating conditions for hikers.
<br>Ask Yourself
<br>Does your heel hurt, especially when you first get out of bed in the morning? Is the bottom of your foot stiff and achy? Has  
<br>hiking, backpacking become uncomfortable, even agonizing?
<br>Common Symptoms
<br>Tight or painful Achilles tendon
<br>ain located on the bottom of the foot in or near the heel, arch, or from the ball of the foot back. Pain can also jolt up  
<br>into the leg
<br>Stiffness or pain after sleeping or sitting for long periods
<br>Excessive pronation
<br>Sudden increases in hiking mileage
<br>Weight gain
<br>Tight Achilles tendon
<br>Bad footwear or, for example, switching from high heels to flat hiking boots
<br>Heel spur on the bottom of the calcaneus
<br>Irritated, ruptured, or torn plantar fascia
<br>Medical experts treat plantar fasciitis with many of the usual approaches: stretching; icing; oral anti-inflammatories, such  
<br>as ibuprofen; and even injections of steroidal anti-inflammatories, such as cortisone.
<br>Surgery is the last resort when all else fails. Stretching is the preferred treatment.
<br>Shoe Features That Help
<br>Shoe inserts or custom-made orthotics with supportive arches
<br>Appropriate shoes for the type of activity you're doing
<br>A stiff midfoot area and a supportive heel cup or heel cushion
<br>Shock-absorbing midsoles and insoles
<br>Avoid worn out shoes
<br>A bunion is an enlargement of bone or tissue around the joint at the base of the big toe. Whereas, a bunionette is painful  
<br>swollen lump on the outside of the foot near the base of the little toe.
<br>Ask Yourself
<br>Does the toe beside your big toe look clawlike? Do you have a callus underneath and between the two toes? Does your big toe  
<br>bend toward and often overlap the other toes? Does you little toe sport an irritated bump?
<br>Swollen and painful toes
<br>Joint pain
<br>ain when bending
<br>Irritated, sore skin
<br>Faulty foot mechanics, ill-fitting shoes and hereditary factors such as foot type can contribute to bunion/bunionette  
<br>odiatrists recommend giving your feet a break during the day by either taking your shoes off or changing shoes mid-day.
<br>To reduce friction, cover the bunion/bunionette with a medical pad or have your shoes professionally stretched.
<br>Counter the stresses on your forefoot by stretching your Achilles tendon.
<br>Shoe Features That Help
<br>Wide toebox
<br>Ample arch support
<br>Increased shoe volume
<br>Well-cushioned heel and insoles
<br>A bunion is an enlargement of bone or tissue around the joint at the base of the big toe. Whereas, a bunionette is painful  
<br>swollen lump on the outside of the foot near the base of the little toe.
<br>Ask Yourself
<br>Does the toe beside your big toe look clawlike? Do you have a callus underneath and between the two toes? Does your big toe  
<br>bend toward and often overlap the other toes? Does you little toe sport an irritated bump?
<br>Swollen and painful toes
<br>Joint pain
<br>ain when bending
<br>Irritated, sore skin
<br>Faulty foot mechanics, ill-fitting shoes and hereditary factors such as foot type can contribute to bunion/bunionette  
<br>odiatrists recommend giving your feet a break during the day by either taking your shoes off or changing shoes mid-day.
<br>To reduce friction, cover the bunion/bunionette with a medical pad or have your shoes professionally stretched.
<br>Counter the stresses on your forefoot by stretching your Achilles tendon.
<br>Shoe Features That Help
<br>Wide toebox
<br>Ample arch support
<br>Increased shoe volume
<br>Well-cushioned heel and insoles
<br>Foot Arthritis
<br>Osteoarthritis is the most common foot arthritis and is caused by excessive strain and wear of cartilage found within joints.  
<br>Other arthritis types are Gout (excess uric acid) and rheumatoid (severe deformities).
<br>Ask Yourself
<br>Are your foot joints inflamed after walking on them? Does swelling cause an unbearable or even a dull achy pain?
<br>Joint pain, redness, swelling, and inflammation.
<br>Overworked joints, break down of cartilage, ill-fitting shoes and hereditary factors can contribute.
<br>You should not hike if you're experiencing severe inflammation. If swelling, inflammation, or heat persists see a foot  
<br>Shoe Features That Help
<br>Stiff arch, rigid forefoot, and firm heel shims
<br>Rocker soles designed to reduce stress and pain
<br>High, wide toe box
<br>Caution: Forefoot problems such as hammer toes and bunions often develop as a result of arthritis.
<br>A common foot disorder that can affect the bones and joints at the ball of the foot.
<br>Ask Yourself
<br>Does the bottom of your foot hurt after long, excessive periods on it? Do you wear dress shoes or other excessively  
<br>restricting footwear like high heels?
<br>ain in the ball of the foot
<br>Hard thickened dead skin (calluses) on the bottom of the foot.
<br>oorly fitted footwear, too narrow foot box, lack of padding on bottom of foot.
<br>Get expert advice on identifying if the culprit is poor footwear or another more serious problem. As a starter, try wearing  
<br>different shoes to see if pain disappears.
<br>Shoe Features That Help
<br>Shoes that fit properly, especially in heel-to-ball length
<br>Wide, uncramped toe box
<br>Orthotics to cushion and absorb shock
<br>Toe is bent at the middle joint, resembling a hammer or claw. Every toe can be a hammertoe except the big toe.
<br>Ask Yourself
<br>Do your little toes curl downward? Do the tendons in your toes feel unnaturally tight?
<br>Pain in toes or feet
<br>Corns on the top of the middle joint of the toe or on the tip of the toe
<br>Blame mom and dad. Most hammertoe conditions are either genetic or a frequent side affect of arthritis.
<br>Podiatrists insist on properly fitted footwear. Consult a foot doctor on forefoot products designed to mitigate this  
<br>Shoe Features That Help
<br>Deep, seamless toe box
<br>Soft upper material that can be easily stretched, plus lessen possible friction.
<br>NAND Gate








Rank: 3Rank: 3

 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-1 04:20:55 | 只看该作者


<br>By Kristin Hostetter
<br>是        否         
<br>  你的大脚趾甲是否容易向内生长?
<br>  是否每次旅行你都会在同一点长水泡?
<br>  是否无论在家还是在穿越过程中每天早晨你都会有踵部疼痛?
<br>  是否在时间比较久的徒步中你的足弓疼痛?
<br>  是否你的踝部会定期地扭伤?
<br>如果上面的任一条你回答的是“是”,那么你应当去看足病医生。“事实上,任何阻止你享受徒步乐趣的重复出现或长时期的足部疼痛都是一个你应该去看医生的信号,” 普雷斯顿医生说,Scott and White诊所的Goforth。
<br>Foot Mechanic
<br>Do your foot troubles warrant an expert's opinion?
<br>By Kristin Hostetter
<br>For some types of foot problems you need a medical mechanic. To see, take the following quiz.
<br>Yes No   
<br>    Does you big toenail become ingrown easily?
<br>    Do you get a blister in the same spot every trip?
<br>    Do you have heel pain every morning, at home or on the trail?
<br>    Do your arches ache on longer hikes?
<br>    Do you routinely twist or sprain your ankles?
<br>If you responded "yes" to any of the above, then you're due for a visit to the podiatrist. "In fact, any type of recurring or prolonged foot pain that impedes your ability to enjoy a hike is a signal to call a doctor," say Dr. Preston Goforth of the Scott and White Clinic. To find a podiatrist near you, contact: American Podiatric Medical Association, (800) 366-8227; www.apma.org.
<br>NAND Gate








Rank: 3Rank: 3

 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-1 04:21:58 | 只看该作者


1、原 作出自BACKPACKER,编译者yufeimen。如用于学习和交流目的的引用和转载,请您全文转载并注明出处绿野,请勿用于商业用途。
<br>Wet Foot Test
<br>An easy way to check the shape of your feet.
<br>Wondering what shape feet you have? Simply dunk them in water, then stand on a surface that'll show an imprint-in this case, a brown paper bag. Your imprint should match one of the three common foot types (yellow denotes typical areas of impact):
<br>Normal feet: normal-size arch; imprint is flared, with forefoot and heel connected by a wide band on the outside. A normal foot lands on the outside of the heel, then rolls inward (pronates) slightly to absorb shock.
<br>Flat feet: low arch; leaves an imprint that looks like the whole sole of the foot. A flat foot strikes on the outside of the heel and rolls inward excessively; over time this can lead to injury.
<br>High-arched feet: imprint has a very narrow band connecting forefoot and heel. This type of foot usually doesn't pronate enough and isn't good at absorbing shock.
<br>NAND Gate< ID="edit"><FONT class="small"><EM>Edited by 黄金狮子 on 2003/12/03 12:27.</EM></FONT></P>








Rank: 3Rank: 3

 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-1 04:23:30 | 只看该作者

About Footwear

<br>享有盛名的重装健行创始者科林 弗莱彻在挑选靴子时有四条原则:1) 挑选一双品质出众的靴子。 2) 令人满意的合适性。 3) 令人满意的合适性。 4) 令人满意的合适性。他不郁闷的底线是:“你应该可以舒适地行走;你不应该有不必要的疲劳;你应该尽可能地保持足部干燥。”
<br>Boot Anatomy
<br>NAND Gate








Rank: 3Rank: 3

 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-1 04:25:01 | 只看该作者


<br>US             Euro             UK             CM
<br>7             40             6             25
<br>7.5             40.5             6.5             25.5
<br>8             41             7             26
<br>8.5             42             7.5             26.5
<br>9             42.5             8             27     
<br>9.5             43             8.5             27.5     
<br>10             44             9             28     
<br>10.5             44.5             9.5             28.5     
<br>11             45             10             29     
<br>11.5             45.5             10.5             29.5     
<br>12             46             11             30     
<br>12.5             46.5             11.5             30.5     
<br>13             47             12             31     
<br>14             48             13             32     
<br>15             49             14             33     
<br>US        Euro        UK        CM
<br>5        35.5        2.5        22
<br>5.5        36        3        22.5
<br>6        37        3.5        23
<br>6.5        37.5        4        23.5
<br>7        38        4.5        24
<br>7.5        38.5        5        24.5
<br>8        39        5.5        25
<br>8.5        40        6        25.5
<br>9        40.5        6.5        26
<br>9.5        41        7        26.5
<br>10        42        7.5        27
<br>10.5        42.5        8        27.5
<br>11        43        8.5        28
<br>NAND Gate< ID="edit"><FONT class="small"><EM>Edited by yufeimen on 2003/11/30 15:29.</EM></FONT></P>








Rank: 3Rank: 3

 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-1 04:31:17 | 只看该作者


<br>By Eileen Portz-Shovlin
<br>要特别关注合适性。“合适是至关紧要的,” Pirrung说。“如果袜子太大了,它将在鞋里挤在一起。如果太紧,它将限制脚趾的移动。同样,袜子适合你的踵部周围也是很重要的。”
<br> 不但你的袜子需要适合你的脚;它们也得适合你要穿的鞋。毕竟,一双高技术的袜子有多好取决于它们是否紧密地适合鞋子?“鞋和袜子必须一起工作,” Pirrung说。
<br>•        不要买100%纯棉的袜子。选择由人造材料或人造材料和棉的混合物制造的那些袜子。人造材料例如acrylic丙烯酸纤维和CoolMax&reg;消散水泡生成、排汗和保持你足部干燥和凉爽。
<br>•        密切注意脚趾接缝――他们是产生水泡的最大原因。考虑那些袜子在高冲击区是被填补的,像踵部和趾部,特别是你有沉重的足部撞击或者容易在这些区域生水泡。
<br>•        挑选那些在中部有紧密编织的袜子。这可以提供支撑和帮助防止滑动。确定你买了正确的号码。这防止集拢和滑动,从而预防水泡。
<br>The Sock Fits
<br>Socks are as important as the footwear we buy. Follow our two-step buyers' guide.
<br>By Eileen Portz-Shovlin
<br>Let's face it, most of us don't put a lot of thought into the socks we wear. Yet nothing ruins a hike faster than blisters, which are caused by moist feet and friction. Today's high-performance socks not only keep your feet dry and comfortable, but they also cushion and support your feet and even improve overall foot health. And there are a variety of socks to choose from. Some are synthetic; some are all-natural; and some are a combination of natural and synthetic fibers. Some socks are thick; others are ultrathin.
<br>Some have padding, and some have a tight weave in the middle that helps support the arch of the foot. You probably had no idea there were so many choices.
<br>Confused? Don't be. Just follow our quick two-step buyers' guide.
<br>Step One
<br>Stay away from 100-percent cotton socks. On an hour's run, your feet produce enough sweat to fill an 8-ounce glass. Cotton socks will absorb all this moisture, your feet will feel soggy and uncomfortable, and you will, quite possibly, develop a blister. "It's important for a sock to move moisture," says Roy Pirrung, a champion ultramarathoner who's been testing socks for Wigwam for many years. "A sock should be able to wick moisture away from the foot. An all-cotton sock can't do that."
<br>Look for socks made from either synthetic fibers (acrylic, CoolMax?, nylon, Polartec) or a blend of natural fibers (cotton, wool, alpaca) and synthetic fibers. Both wick moisture away to keep feet dry and warm in winter as well as dry and cool in summer.
<br>Step Two
<br>ay special attention to fit. "Fit is crucial," says Pirrung. "If the sock is too big, it will bunch in the shoe. If it's too tight, it will restrict toe movement. Also, it's important that the sock fits around the heel."
<br>Not only do your socks need to fit your feet; they also need to fit the footwear you're going to wear them in. After all, what good is a high-tech pair of socks if they make the shoe fit tight? "The shoe and sock must work together," says Pirrung.
<br>As for special features, some socks have padding in high-impact areas like the heel and toe. Consider these if you have a heavy footstrike or are prone to blisters. Remember, though, that padded socks are thick, and if you like them, make sure your socked foot will fit into your shoe.
<br>Expect to pay $5 to $16 for performance socks. That's not cheap, but it's a lot better than blisters and clammy feet.
<br>Sock suggestions
<br>With all the great high-performance socks available these days, it isn't easy deciding what to buy. Here are five guidelines:
<br>•        Don't buy 100 percent cotton socks. Choose those made from synthetics or a blend of synthetics and cotton. Synthetics such as acrylic and CoolMax&reg; disperse blister-causing perspiration and keep your feet drier and cooler.
<br>•        Watch out for toe seams--they're one of the biggest cause of blisters. Consider socks that are padded in high-impact areas, like the heel and toe, especially if you have a heavy footstrike or are prone to blisters in these areas.
<br>•        Pick out socks that have a tighter weave in the middle of the foot. This provides support and helps prevent slippage. Make sure you buy the correct size. This prevents bunching and slipping and, thus, blisters.
<br>NAND Gate








Rank: 3Rank: 3

 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-1 04:33:14 | 只看该作者

Fitting Footwear

<br>By Kristin Hostetter
<br>1) 你将测量我脚的长度么?(请!)
<br>达纳 戴维斯,来自亚利桑那图森Summit Hut的杰出的bootfitter,说第一步总是用一个Brannock(一个有凹口的弓形装置,见图)得到一个精密度量。“如果一个bootfitter不是以测量和检查消费者脚开始的,这可能就是他们在鞋子试穿方面没有良好训练的一个迹象。”
<br>2) 你能量脚定制么?
<br>戴维斯,连同在这个国家大部分最好的bootfitters一起,都是由bootfitting权威菲尔 Oren训练,修改鞋子以完美适合每个人的自然足部。“每一个九号脚的形状是不同的,” 戴维斯说,“如果你有姆囊炎(大趾内侧的肿炎),我们可以做个小包来适应它,这样就没有额外的皮肤发炎。如果你有一个狭窄的踵部或者一个瘦的脚,我们可以增加不同形状的填料以保护在鞋子里的脚。”他们的关键在于坚持你脚长度的正确尺寸,不提高或降低到下一个号码以解决肥瘦问题。
<br>3) 我应该穿哪一种袜子?
<br>4) 我能要求定制鞋垫或者鞋内底么?
<br>“几乎任何人都能从鞋垫中受益,”在加利福尼亚伯克利的Marmot Mountain工作的汤姆 珀塞尔说,“甚至只是有一双普通的、没什么问题的鞋子的人,使用了一个高质量的鞋垫,也将注意到在舒适方面的改进。”定做的模制鞋垫总是提供跟你的脚最好的匹配性,甚至一个不是很贵的、无需定制的模型也是有帮助的。“例如,如果你的足弓是高的,一个鞋垫能够防止每一次移步的拉伸或压扁。减少在鞋子内部的移动意味着更少的水泡和更高的舒适标准,” 珀塞尔说。
<br>5) 我需要防水的鞋子么?
<br>当然,如果你是个沙漠徒步旅行者,是不需要花费额外的钱在防水衬里上的。但是如果你要在多雨的地方徒步,或者你常常发现自己要涉溪水而行,一个防水衬里(例如Gore-Tex)是一个明智的投资。“那些一日的徒步旅行者在一天的末了能够回家得到一双干的袜子和拖鞋,是不需要担心衬里的。但在比较久的旅程时,保持你的足部干爽变得更加重要,” 珀塞尔说。“同样,”他又说,“不要仅仅因为你有一双有防水衬里的鞋子就忽视皮革。”它仍然需要定期被处理以防止变干和开裂。
<br>如果你不能在你附近找到一个能够回答所有这些问题的bootfitter,可以主动通过电话得到好的建议。例如在Summit Hut的人们将乐于告诉你关于合适的问题。
<br>The Right Fit
<br>5 questions you just gotta ask a boot salesperson.
<br>By Kristin Hostetter
<br>Ask veteran backpackers what they consider the most critical piece of gear, and nine out of ten will say "boots" without hesitation. Happy feet are the first step towards a happy trip. That's why the experts insist you invest a bit of time in the store to make sure you a) pick the best boot for your foot and b) get the boot properly fitted for each foot.
<br>What's a conscientious consumer to do? Here are five specific questions to ask your bootfitter.
<br>The Right Fit Continued...
<br>1) Will you measure my feet (please!)?
<br>Dana Davis, ace bootfitter from Summit Hut in Tucson, Arizona, says that the first step is always to get an accurate measurement using a Brannock device. "If a fitter doesn't start by measuring and inspecting a customer's foot, that may be a sign that they're not well schooled in boot fitting."
<br>2) Can you customize the fit?
<br>Davis, along with most of the best bootfitters in the country, has been trained by bootfitting guru Phil Oren in modifying boots to perfectly fit anybody's funky foot. "Every size nine foot is shaped differently," says Davis. "If you have a bunion, we can make a pocket to accommodate it so there's no additional chafing. If you have a narrow heel or a low volume foot, we can add different types of padding to secure the foot inside the boot." They key is to stay in the proper size for your foot length, not bump up or down to the next size to solve a volume issue.
<br>3) What type of socks should I be wearing?
<br>"Never underestimate the importance of socks," says Davis. "If your feet are perpetually cold and clammy, merino wool socks are probably best for you. If they're always on the hot side, a synthetic blend will quickly wick sweat away from the foot and keep them cooler and drier." Plus, varying the thickness of socks can also fine-tune the fit of a boot.
<br>4) Do I need custom footbeds or insoles?
<br>"Almost anyone can benefit from footbeds," says Tom Purcell of Marmot Mountain Works in Berkeley, California. "Even someone with a very average, problem-free foot will see a boost in comfort with a quality footbed." Custom molded footbeds always offer the best match for your foot, but even a less expensive off-the-shelf model will help. "For instance, if your arch is high, a footbed can prevent it from elongating or collapsing with each step. Anything that cuts down on movement inside the boot means fewer blisters and a higher comfort level," says Purcell.
<br>5) Do I need waterproof boots?
<br>Of course, if you're a desert hiker, there's no need to spend the extra money on a waterproof liner. But if you hike where there's lots of rain, or you often find yourself sloshing across streams, a waterproof liner (like Gore-Tex) is a wise investment. "Dayhikers who can go home at the end of the day to a pair of dry socks and slippers don't need to worry about liners. But on longer trips it becomes more important to keep your feet dry," says Purcell. "Also," he adds, "Don't neglect the leather just because you have a boot with a waterproof liner." It still needs to be treated periodically to keep it from drying out and cracking
<br>Davis has one last piece of advice: "Remember that you are the one wearing the boots. Bootfitters can guide you in the right direction and make sure that the fit is correct, but if you think a boot is too stiff, for instance, for your comfort level, listen to your gut."
<br>If you can't find a bootfitter near you that can answer all these questions, there are ways to be proactive and get good advice over the phone. The folks at Summit Hut, for instance, will be glad to talk to you about fitting. "There's no substitute for a hands-on custom fitting session, but we can talk through a number of problems over the phone," says Davis. Summit Hut can be reached at (800) 499-8696.
<br>NAND Gate








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 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-1 04:35:47 | 只看该作者


<br>By Steve Howe, BACKPACKER Rocky Mountain Editor
<br>1. 寻找王牌。当你走进一家户外店,要求见这家店里最好的bootfitter。如果那个人不在附近,约个时间再来。
<br>2. 测量你的脚。不要仅仅因为你总是穿9号,就假定你的脚是那个号码。你的脚会随着时间和通过长期重装旅行的过程增长。用一个有可滑动夹框和号码标尺的Brannock(一个有凹口的弓形装置,测量脚的)装置测量你脚的长度和宽度。所有的鞋类商店和大部分户外店都有它们,但是他们太少使用它了。
<br>3. 不要迷信数字。美国号码在它们的实际长度和肥瘦方面变化相当大,并且一个公司的10号可能是另一个公司的9号。关键是要试多个号码,然后相信你的脚知道适合什么。
<br>4. 黄昏以后去买鞋。在一天的末了试穿鞋子,那时候你的脚是略微肿,就像它们在旅途中的情况一样。
<br>5. 不要冒冒失失做决定!花时间在买靴子上。至少有两个连续的下午的预算去商店和试鞋。尽可能试穿多个不同的制作和样式。
<br>6. 自带袜子。带上你自己的袜子去商店,因此你的脚要穿着它们将在旅途中穿着的袜子。
<br>7. 摆动你的脚趾。一旦靴子被系紧,你踢的时候脚趾不应该能接触到鞋的最前端。鞋子一旦磨合好了也许变宽或变肥,但是它们永远不会变长。太短的鞋在长的下坡路时将损伤你的脚趾和撞击你的脚趾甲。
<br>8. 行走。花些时间穿着你正在考虑的任何鞋子在商店四周走走。鞋面不得不需要热身以塑造皮革或者僵硬的织物去适应你的脚,这意味着压力点不会立即显现出来。
<br>9. 不要“高腰套靴”。选择的鞋类要配合你的大部分旅程,而不是你一年中只会去一周的远征。如果靴子的沉重和僵硬超过了你的需要,你将不必要地忍受从磨合到大靴子的水泡问题的痛苦。
<br>10. 听你脚的。如果挑选的靴子大部分是舒适的,着重于质量超过其它的那双靴子。最后,只有一个人将知道你在什么时候得到完美的合适性,那就是你自己。
<br>Buying Better Boots
<br>There are different boots for different types of terrain. Follow these 10 essentials to match sole to trail.
<br>By Steve Howe, BACKPACKER Rocky Mountain Editor
<br>1. Ask for the ace. When you walk into an outdoors store, ask to see the best bootfitter in the shop. If that person is not around, make an appointment to come back.
<br>2. Measure your dogs. Don't assume you're a size 9 just because that's the size you've always worn. Your feet grow with time and over the course of long, heavily laden trips. Get your feet measured for length and width using a Brannock device, with sliding brackets and size markings. All shoe stores and most outdoors shops have them, but they're used too infrequently.
<br>3. Don't get hung up on numbers. U.S. sizes vary considerably in their actual length and volume, and one company's 10 is another's 9. The key is to try a variety of sizes, then trust your feet to know what fits.
<br>4. Shop after dark. Try on boots at the end of the day, when your feet are slightly swollen, like they'll be on the trail.
<br>5. Don't rush! Take your time shopping for boots. Budget at least two consecutive afternoons for shopping and fitting. Try on as many different makes and models as you can.
<br>6. BYOS. Bring Your Own Socks or (sock combination) to the store so your feet are wearing what they'll wear on the trail.
<br>7. Wiggle your toes. Once boots are laced, you shouldn't be able to kick your toes into contact with the very front of the boot. Boots may gain width or volume once they break in, but they won't ever get any longer. Too-short boots will bruise your toes and hammer your toenails on long downhills.
<br>8. Go for a walk. Spend some time hiking around the store in any boot you're considering. The uppers have to warm up for impregnated leathers or stiff fabrics to mold to your foot, which means pressure points may not become obvious immediately.
<br>9. Don't "overboot." Choose footwear that matches the majority of your trips, not the expedition you might take just 1 week a year. If the boot's heavier and stiffer than you need, you'll needlessly suffer through the breaking-in and blistering problems of bigger boots.
<br>10. Listen to your feet. Pick the boot that's most comfortable. Stress that one quality over all others. In the end, only one person will know when you have the perfect fit, and that's you.
<br>NAND Gate
户外鞋穿着和足部护理完全手册(全部展开话题见跟帖) yufeimen 2003-12-01
About The Foot yufeimen 2003-12-01
常见的足部疾病 yufeimen 2003-12-01
足部医疗 yufeimen 2003-12-01
湿脚测试** yufeimen 2003-12-01
footprint_bag yufeimen 2003-12-03
footprint_normal yufeimen 2003-12-03
footprint_low yufeimen 2003-12-03
footprint_high yufeimen 2003-12-03
About Footwear yufeimen 2003-12-01
靴子号码表 yufeimen 2003-12-01
合适的袜子 yufeimen 2003-12-01
Fitting Footwear yufeimen 2003-12-01
更好的鞋子 yufeimen 2003-12-01
磨合 yufeimen 2003-12-01
Solving Fit Problems yufeimen 2003-12-01
必须知道的关于调整鞋子合适性的秘密 yufeimen 2003-12-01
通常的系鞋带方法** yufeimen 2003-12-01
commom_techniques yufeimen 2003-12-01
marathon_knot yufeimen 2003-12-01
重新上传 黄金狮子 2003-12-04
heel_lock_b yufeimen 2003-12-01
1 黄金狮子 2003-12-04
low_volume_b yufeimen 2003-12-01
high_instep_b yufeimen 2003-12-01
2 黄金狮子 2003-12-04
cuff_pressure_b yufeimen 2003-12-01
3 黄金狮子 2003-12-04
granny_knot_b yufeimen 2003-12-01
4 黄金狮子 2003-12-04
square_knot_b yufeimen 2003-12-01
5 黄金狮子 2003-12-04
烦请哪位斑竹受累,帮俺把上面贴子里图片的链接给改了,谢 yufeimen 2003-12-01
太谢谢了。真不错。 forexcz 2003-12-03
快乐的脚 yufeimen 2003-12-01
处理水泡 yufeimen 2003-12-01
清洗你的足部 yufeimen 2003-12-01
Boot Care yufeimen 2003-12-01
对你的靴子做防水处理 yufeimen 2003-12-01
靴子修理提示 yufeimen 2003-12-01
很棒,很感谢各位 马车轮子 2003-12-15
修改完成,请校对:) 黄金狮子 2003-12-04
好文!yufeimen兄辛苦了! 金歌 2003-12-18
不敢,折杀了。:) yufeimen 2003-12-19
很棒。翻译的功夫很好。 csx398 2004-02-10
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