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Homework: Dec. 7, 2002, Xiangshan - Plant Garden









Rank: 1

发表于 2002-12-9 03:44:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
It is a heavy burden for me to write an essay even in Chinese, but I still try my best to finish the homework in my poor English here. I write these paragraphs in English just for recording my outdoor activities with Lvye. Hope I can improve my English with the help of Lvzi through this way. In this draft I want to show my appreciations to the organization of Doubao and Longyanbao and all the hikers in the team. I can only remember the nicks of Xiaocao, F16,Yueerwanwan, etc.……
<br>Here is the story:
<br>My virgin trip: from Xiangshan to Plants Garden
<br>CCTV forecasts that it is chilly this weekend. Although I have been addicted to the warm bed in all of the weekends for years, I struggled for getting up at 9:00 and followed the guide of the leader to take the bus 737 to Xiangshan Garden. I get at the bus station early for 15 minutes as I expected for I am not familiar with the schedule of the bus and do not want to miss the first trip with the Lvye. When I walked to the gate of the post office where we were required to get together, I found there have been 5 hikers here, among whom there are the 2 leaders: Doubao and Longyanbao. We were told that more friends will join us than appeared on the net. Half an hour later, the team of 21 including a child of 7 set off.
<br>We walked along the road that begins from the north-western corner of the bus station in front of the post office. The narrow road, being just available for one car passing, crosses through a small village and leads us to a new parking flat. Across the parking place a pathway covered with pebbles and breccias appears in front of us. This is the first gentle slope that needs us pay a little strength. Thanks for the winter which clears away the leaves of the shrub and makes the path be more opened. About 10 minutes later we arrived at the remains of an old temple where the sculptured stones of the year of Guangxu 12th lie down and become the rest benches of the hikers. The clothes and carpets in the relict gate show that some one may sleep here in the cold night.
<br>Staying a while, we began climbing again. At the branch we refused the suggestion of a passer-by who kindly directed an easy way to us and chose a hardy one. This choice is the typical one of Lvzi, I thought. We took the rough hill road that was made being a road by the former hikers to the first anti-fire belt. I stood on the flat and saw down. A tiny shape of a boy got into my eyes. That was the only kid in our group who just climbed up with his feet and hands. Struggling for a while, the boy, face red and head sweated, with a colorful bag on his shoulder, stood up on the platform. I praised the real brave little man and the potential hiker. The proud feelings could be seen from the eyes of his parents.
<br>assing a long up-way in the shrubs on the ridge, we got on the summit of a hill in north of Xiangshan. On the top platform, a tower named Wangjing was built for guards of the forest. If it is clear enough, the city can be seen from the tower, but today the city is covered in the dust and mist. 4 gray donkeys lingered on the flat and a big dog was fastened on the gate of the dog house. These animals have been familiar with people for being visited often by strangers here. The free donkeys began to approach the visitors on their own initiatives. Their efforts got the really satisfied payback of delicious fruit from visitors. This case was watched by the fastened dog that stood up and barked to the visitors who were feeding the donkeys. At this time a young girl who might have visited the tower before turned back to the dog. She calmed down the dog by showing him the sausage. Then the dog sit down on his rear legs, with the long red tongue and the leaking saliva on its mouth, and stares at the fingers of the girl greedily, a little like the kids in the kindergarten waiting for candies and cookies.
<br>Some of us had socks here and then we began to get down the hill and match to the Plant Garden. It is easy and fast to go down the hill. In about half an hour we got into the Cherry Valley that is part of the Plant Garden. The valley lacks of Cherry trees but has plenty of huge breccias that were formed million years ago by adjacent volcanoes. At the mouth of the valley there should be a spring in summer but almost totally dry now in the winter. We stayed a while around the monument of 12.9 and got down through the Plant Garden. Then we were gathered into tow groups in front of the garden gate. Doubao lead a group to go on the efforts of FB and the others went home respectively.








Rank: 2

发表于 2002-12-10 12:20:39 | 只看该作者

it is an excellent homework.All details are clear

匿名  发表于 2002-12-11 04:34:27

oh ,very good!

Homework: Dec. 7, 2002, Xiangshan - Plant Garden bob 2002-12-09
it is an excellent homework.All details are clear xingxing 2002-12-10
oh ,very good! 匿名 2002-12-11
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