
标题: 请教各位滑雪高手:“关于大、小回转滑雪过程中”身体是否要转来转去? [打印本页]

作者: 拉丁王子    时间: 2010-6-10 12:17
标题: 请教各位滑雪高手:“关于大、小回转滑雪过程中”身体是否要转来转去?

作者: 常识    时间: 2010-6-10 15:16
标题: 想转就转,不想转就不转,没有人规定非得转或不转。自己高兴就行
作者: 雪山飞猪    时间: 2010-6-10 15:42
标题: 或许应该好像大概也许可能差不多貌似是不转的吧。。。
作者: 罗布图    时间: 2010-6-10 16:31
标题: 心在身前,气沉丹田,左摇右摆,好似行船

作者: 老汉    时间: 2010-6-10 17:35
标题: 哈哈,王子与庶民理论,听谁的?

作者: 拉丁王子    时间: 2010-6-10 19:29
标题: 大、小回转滑雪过程中身体要转来转去的那还是大、小回转吗?这问题可能要等到雪季请教雪场教练了?

作者: 中秋    时间: 2010-6-11 00:27
标题: 一般来说,小回转上身不动,面向山下;大回转要看路线



作者: 走过四季    时间: 2010-6-11 08:45
标题: 当然得转来转去了,因为是单板嘛,呵呵~~

作者: 露水    时间: 2010-6-11 10:13
标题: 无论国外国内,在大众滑雪层面,这个问题都是“公说公有理,婆说婆有理”--


真正的陡坡、极陡坡上,每个滑雪者个人对上半身要不要“转来转去”,态度就要严肃一点了,毕竟关系到滑行的稳定与安全。按照R.MARK ELLING滑雪教科书的观点,如果头部和上身不是面朝山下而是跟着雪板转向弯内,后果会是外板(山下板)失去压力或滑雪者被扔出去--“A llowing the head and upper body to lean toward the hill,or toward the inside of the turn,can cause pressure to be transferred away from the outside ski,causing it to lose edge grip,or blow out.”(《THE ALL-MOUNTAIN SKIER》SECOND EDITION,P140)

WARREN SMITH的滑雪研究院2006年出版并在欧州、北美、南美和亚洲部分国家销售发行的滑雪教程也是这种主张:“上身--左右肩关节和左右髋关节保持水平状态并面对山下滚落线。”(《GO SKI》P81图解)




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作者: apf2009    时间: 2010-6-11 10:35
标题: 新人体会:基本同意中秋意见,小回转时,上身保持稳定,上身平面始终朝向山下滑行滚落线;
大回转时,上身虽然可因重心转移有明显的左右侧倒,但整个身体的平面应始终朝向双板前进的方向。大小回转都是一个连续流畅的滑行过程,很难用“身体是否转来转去”来形容。有些技术需要有身体转来转去的练习才能掌握, 玩的时候有时身体转来转去的滑感觉也很好。
作者: 露水    时间: 2010-6-11 11:47
标题: WARREN SMITH --“身体转来转去”的原因解析及矫正方法


Most skiers get told one time or another by a coach that there is too much upper body or hip rotation in their skiing.  This usually gives the skier a weaker edge support in the turn and poor body positioning over the skis.  The Result ? A vulnerable and weaker set up for overall dynamic balance.  Upper body or hip rotation is usually more apparent in one direction.  Steering needs to come mainly from the legs with the ball of the thigh bone rotating inside the socket joint of the hips.  This allows the hips to remain generally facing in the direction of the fall line.

In most cases skiers can step their feet around approximately 50 or 60 degrees across either side from the fall line.  This means that when they steer from turn to turn and the steering of the skis is greater than say 50 or 60 degrees, the upper body will start to rotate as the skis try to achieve 75 degrees and 80 degrees of angle across the fall line (this is typically what’s needed of steeper slopes). The reasons for a poor leg steering range are:
a.  General tightness in the hips
b.  Lack of range in exterior and interior leg rotation
c.  Many years skiing without finishing off of the turn shape

Solution is
a.  Attend a yoga workout class, buy a yoga DVD or see a physio to help you gain a better range of flexibility in the hips
b.  Static leg rotation dry land exercise
This exercise below helps improve your awareness of your leg steering range and capability.  Once you can measure you range off of snow you'll know what you're capable of on snow.  You'll also be able to identify the turn direction that has a lack of range of steering. No matter what type of turn your making, you nearly always want the steering to come mainly from the legs. If you’re getting it right, the ball of the thigh bone rotates inside the socket joint of the hips. From this correct way of steering you'll a get stronger edge hold in the turn. Try to make your turn shape like semi circles meeting semi circles, S shaped turns as opposed to Z shaped turns.

In the Static Leg Rotation exercise test the range at which you can steer your legs without rotating your hips. To do this simply stand with your hands on your hips bones. Use your hands to stabilise your hips and start to step your feet around. Keep stepping until the point where you feel you can't step anymore without your hips moving around. This is your limit. When you get to your limit try to measure the degrees of steering range across the fall line from zero to 90 degrees. In an ideal world for skiing you would want to be able to step around 90 degrees in each direction.  This would mean that you can steer in each turning direction without any tension in the hips stopping the upper body from rotating.  The average in most skiers is to step around to approximately 50 or 60 degrees. It's common that most people have one side they can step around more than the other and this is usually a starting point at identifying the weaker turning direction even before a skier puts their skis on.  Make a note of your stepping around range and try to better it over several weeks of monitoring.

c. Try to finish your turns off and make the turn shape like semi circles meeting semi circles, S-Shape turns

The result is an increase in the range of leg steering allowing the skier to steer to greater angles without the upper body rotating, leaving the skier with a stronger edge hold and greater leg steering strength at the extremities of each turning direction.

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作者: 露水    时间: 2010-6-11 11:58
标题: 最近在QB室内滑雪馆遇见的童鞋们可以看看这张图解

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作者: 露水    时间: 2010-6-11 12:35
标题: 俺个人的偏好:powder carving大弯--上半身基本面对山下滚落线

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作者: 露水    时间: 2010-6-11 12:53
标题: 俺个人的偏好:tree skiing小弯--上半身始终保持面对山下滚落线

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作者: JANY    时间: 2010-6-11 15:00
标题: 这严谨的治学精神 晚生惭愧啊~

作者: JANY    时间: 2010-6-11 15:31
标题: 据我观察 无论在什么样的雪况什么样的地形上,也无论是什么样的滑法,那些滑雪大牛们上半身基本是安静不动的.
"真正的陡坡、极陡坡上,每个滑雪者个人对上半身要不要“转来转去”,态度就要严肃一点了,"-----在christmas chute上鲜明的感受到了这一点.
作者: 板蓝根    时间: 2010-6-12 11:33
标题: 以上两贴纯属显摆贴。鉴定完毕。:D:D

作者: nb800    时间: 2010-6-16 22:46
标题: 这是最好的carving
作者: nb800    时间: 2010-6-16 22:55
标题: 虽然著名人士的肩线在摆动,但她的carving让人心动
作者: 拉丁王子    时间: 2010-6-17 11:52
标题: 感谢各位同学提供的意见!
看来绝大部分的答案是在大、小转时不转身,和我持有的意见是一样的;如果在高级道玩了很长时间的人士,还在转来转去的,我觉得一是:喜欢玩那种转身跳来跳去的感觉,那无可厚非; 二是:学偏了,转身滑又是回到了犁式的原始初级阶段,如果要是在高山速降大回转中、转身再转回来都要有个时间差、这一路下来还能过几个旗门?

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