主讲人:赵玲 (研究员)
语言: 中文
时间: 3月22日(周六)上午9:30-11:30
地点: 东四十四条93号A座4层(查看地图)
报名: 请发邮件到 volunteer@bjchp.org 或致电 6403 6532-606确认
鸣谢: 感谢科罗思邦建筑工作室免费提供场地。
“建于清代的承德避暑山庄是中国卓越建筑成就和灿烂皇家园林文化的典型范例。除了它被广为承认的历史和建筑美学价值,避暑山庄和外八庙的建造还充分展示出中国古代工匠对于天然美景及自然地理条件的创新性运用。” 避暑山庄作为最早“申遗”成功的世界文化遗产,一直以其自身的独特魅力吸引着人们的注意。本次月度讲座将由承德文物保护系统资深专家赵玲老师为我们讲述修建避暑山庄的历史背景,木兰围场与避暑山庄的关系,承德外八庙的特点和价值,以及对避暑山庄作为世界级文化遗产的保护措施等内容。相信赵老师的讲解将引领我们走进这个华美而深邃的清代皇家园林世界。
Subject:World Cultural Heritage Site---- Mountain Resort in Chengde City
Speaker:Zhao Ling (Researcher)
Time: Saturday, March 22, 2008, 9:30-11:30AM
Venue: 93 Dongsi Shisitiao, Bldg A, 4th floor (see map)
RSVP: Due to limited space, please email volunteer@bjchp.org or call 6403 6532-606 to confirm your seat.
Acknowledgements: Many thanks to Crossboundaries Architecture Firm for providing a free venue.
Built in the Qing Dynasty, the city of Chengde is one example of China’s remarkable architectural achievements and landscape garden cultural splendor that still stands today. Recognized primarily for their exceptional historical and aesthetic value, the Mountain Resort and the temples in suburban Chengde exemplify the creativity of the Chinese and their architectural achievements. As one of the first World Cultural Heritage Sites in China, the Mountain Resort has unique features and special characteristics. Researcher Zhao Ling will talk about the construction background and preservation of the Mountain Resort, the Mulan Hunting Ground, and the surrounding temples in Chengde.
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