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lvye4me(UID: 134343)

  • 空间访问量7
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  • 个人介绍  
    2006年11月注册会员, 绿野户外经历: 2006-12-26 左蓝色队香山--大觉寺--东山村 领队:老默 2008-3-8 凤凰岭--白虎涧 领队: 30渡 2008-6-21苹果园-法海寺-八大处-水库-暸望塔-黑石头 领队:Greenlee 2008-8-2 香山邮局-快活林-水库-虎头峰-法海寺 领队:老默 2008-8-9 香山植物园.杀人.双升 领队:AppleTree 非绿野户外经历: 2009-8-15至23. 北京飞成都,之后SUV,走川藏南线(成都-康定-新都桥-雅江-理塘-巴塘-芒康-左贡-邦达-八宿-然乌-波密-通麦-鲁朗-林芝-拉萨),再坐火车走青藏线返京. The foreign countries I stayed in or visited include: USA(6 yr plus), Canada(one week), Russia(three times), Norway(2 weeks), Denmark(days), Finland, Estonia, Balgaria, Austria (2 weeks),Italy (4 d), Qutar (2 d), Australia (twice, one week for each),Brasil (one week), Japan (several times), Korea (twice, one week each),DPRK (4 days), Pakistan (one week), The cities I have been living in or lived for over three years since 18 yr old include: Beijing, Chengdu, Nanjing, Wuhan, Boulder(Denver metro, 6 yr). The US metro cities I visited include: Denver, Los Angles (Palm Desert), San Franscisco, San Diego, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Cheyenne, Boston, New York, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Honolulu (Hawaii), Chicago, New Orleans, Columbus,and so on. The US National Parks I visited include: Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Canyon Lands, Rocky Mountain, Mesa Verde, Arches, Zion, Grand Sand Dune, Black Canyon, Colorado Monument, Mt Rushmore, Badlands, Fossil Forest, Statue of Liberty, Niagara Falls, Jushua Tree, Yosemite, and more. The Norwagian sceneries I visited include: Fjord in Bergen, Scenic Railway from Bergen to Oslo (Some persons say it is the most beautiful in the world. I agree after I witnissed the Tibet railway), Sculpture Park in Oslo, Oslo Bay. The Russian cities I visited include: Kislovodsk (in northern Caucasus region, 65 km away from Mt. Albrus, the highest peak in Europe), Moscow, and Blagovescensk (in Far East,close to China boundary city Heihe, Volga River). The Korean places I visited include Seoul, Oak-Valley (Wonju, Gangwon-do), 雪岳山国家公园,Gangneung-Jeongdongjin, Jeju Island. The DPRK places I visited include 平壤(主题思想塔、万景台等)、妙香山、普贤寺、开城、板门店(三八线). The Austrian scenic or cities: Opergurgl resort, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna. The Italian scenic: Rome (Colosseum, Vatican) and Balzano. The Brazilian Scenic: San Paolo (Plaza of Republic, Park of Independence), Igussu (Falls, Itaipu Dam). The Australian cities: Canberra, Sydney, Perth. The Pakistan scenic or cities: Islamabad The Japanese scenic or cities: Sapporo, Otaru, Yurano (Hokkaido) The Canadian scenic or cities: Montreal The China regions beyond mainland: Hong kong (one week in May 2009), Taiwan (twice for one week each in Nov. 2011 and Oct 2012, west coast and east coast, respectively).




  • 在线时间1 小时
  • 注册时间2006-11-21 22:28
  • 最后访问2019-11-9 07:12
  • 上次活动时间2019-11-9 07:12
  • 所在时区(GMT +08:00) 北京, 香港, 帕斯, 新加坡, 台北


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  • 金钱29
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