To include any set of groups to GPSR search (including custom groups), add string "SEARCH_GROUPS = N n1 n2 ..." in the section of the export.cfg file, where N is a total number of groups to be shown, n1, n2, ... are number of the groups to be included in the search. Example: Custom map was crea ...
From: Nikita Schmidt Date: Sat Jun 19, 2004 6:25 pm Subject: Files in map images ADVERTISEMENT click here Hi Birol, One way to do step 3 is as follows. You'll need Python for this. Download and from the bottom of the page at ...
Emergency Firmware Restoration Thanks to "Randy Tippetts" Below are the recovery instructions for a dead MAP330 or Meridian. They are written for the MAP330 but they work just as well for the Meridians. If your MAP330/Meridian is in a "locked up" state (stuck on), power it down by holding do ...