增加megallan GPS地图搜索组的方法(zt)
已有 201 次阅读2005-3-28 03:32
To include any set of groups to GPSR search (including custom groups), add string "SEARCH_GROUPS = N n1 n2 ..." in the [GROUP] section of the export.cfg file, where N is a total number of groups to be shown, n1, n2, ... are number of the groups to be included in the search.
Example: Custom map was created with Advanced Map creation dialog. Two custom groups were created: "Shelters" and "Trails". "Shelters" group includes one layer of point type, "Trail" group includes one layer of polyline type. Then addSTDGRP.exe was used as described above, standard empty layers and groups were added. Default behavior is 4 standard group on GPSR screen with no obejects (we did not add any layers to standard groups).
Now we add "SEARCH_GROUPS = N n1 n2 ..". in the [GROUP] section of the export.cfg file (this adds only group #4 and #5 to the search).
0 = Roads 0
1 = Railroads 0
2 = Hydrography 0
3 = Parks 0
4 = Shelters 0
5 = Trails 0