Improve Your Magellan Meridian Map Screen I bought a Meridian GPS with Mapsend Streets & Destination USA and I’m amazed with the things this unit can do. But I think the map screen can use some improvement. With a detailed map, the 1.6 mi. to .2 mile zoom levels can potentially be very useful bu ...
TOPO_creator Some MapSends has built-in topo database. The database is stored in the \MAP\BLX folder in the *.blx files. Format of the *.blx files is very complex (to my opinion this is the most complex of Mapsend's formats). Topographic data composed in the series of data chunks, each chunk repr ...
Emergency Firmware Restoration Thanks to "Randy Tippetts" Below are the recovery instructions for a dead MAP330 or Meridian. They are written for the MAP330 but they work just as well for the Meridians. If your MAP330/Meridian is in a "locked up" state (stuck on), power it down by holding do ...