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已有 183 次阅读2006-9-22 14:32 |个人分类:CHE路

转发:做个有根的植物??LEON   Leon是孤独的,在杀人之余他可以做的有什么呢,一个人的家里,照看着一株没有根的植物,精心的熨烫衣服。   Mathilda也是孤独的,在亲人死后她也只是孤身一人。   在这个城市里,到处是高楼大厦,到处是冷漠坚硬的街道,电影里回旋着宁静甚至无奈的音乐。   揪心的压抑......      两个孤独的人走到了一起。   Leon没有想到自己的生活会被一个女孩子改变,但是社会还是那个原来的社会。   警察成了一个恶棍,而杀手却成了悲剧英雄,少女甚至还想做一个杀手,好象“末路狂花”一样。   他们都是被社会抛弃的人,生活能给他们的是零,而自己可以掌控的又有什么?   当Mathilda在楼顶练习射击的时候,没有想到打到的却是一个前呼后拥的大人物,在这个世界上人人都可能随时去杀人,当然也可能随时被杀,谁又能知道下一秒等待我们的是什么?   也许是痛苦。   “人生一辈子都这么苦,还是只有童年这么苦?”   “人生就是如此。”      Mathilda在Leon身边得到了从来没有过的真诚,爱护和温暖,渐渐从冷漠中逃离,积压在心里的麻木终于被真情感化,可是出现在心里的竟然是爱情,或许是吧。   相依为命,这种在我们看来平静而朦胧的感情实在令人感动,可是当旅店管理员把Leon和Mathilda赶出来的时候,我们才知道原来真情会在这个社会被无情的放逐......      笨拙的步态,不善言辞,在看《雨中曲》的时候憨憨的傻笑。   Leon是善良的,但是这个不太冷的杀手的善良终究成了自己的致命伤。   唯一信任的Tony背叛了他,而Mathilda实际上是他惹上杀身之祸的根源。   善良和爱情究竟错在了哪里?      当炸弹终于爆炸的时候我还不能接受这样的结尾。   呵呵,也许我是爱上Leon,他是那么的善良,爱起来又那么的笨拙。   当Mathilda把植物种在公园中央的时候。   Leon会不会快乐?这个杀手最大的心愿不就是做一个有根的植物吗? 下面是那首经典的电影音乐 The Sharp of My Heart         He deals cause as a meditation   Of those he play for there was no respect   He dosen't play for the money   he wins   He dosen't play for respect      He deals a cause to find the answer   The secret jumps on tree of chance   The hindden all of a problem of no outcome   A number deals a time      I know that those faiths are swords of a solider   I know that the clubs are weapons of war   I know that diamonds mean money for us all   But that's not the shape of my heart   He may play the drug or diamonds   He may lay on the queen of space   He may consume a king in his hand   While the memory of it fades      I know that those faiths are the souls of a solider   I kown that the clubs of weapon are fault   I know that diamonds mean money for us all   But that's not the shape of my heart      If I told you that I loved you   You maybe think that's something wrong   I am not a man of too many faces   The mask I wear is one      For those victories are nothing   If I would not choose the cause   I got to curse their look and too many faces   And those feelings lost      I know that those faiths are the souls of a solider   I kown that the clubs of weapon are fault   I know that diamonds mean money for us all   But that's not the shape of my heart   that's not the shape   the shape of my heart       Sting






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